Welcome to 2015!
Here at UCASA, the staff are sorta addicted to reading the news. So we decided to start a regular feature where we share the best stories about sexual violence that you may or may not have seen within the last week. I wish we could say that this is an original idea, but it isn't.
But, the stories we plan on sharing are original.... I hope that you like them.
"Is it possible to be sensitive to victims while still being a discerning journalist? [...] Generally speaking, rapes are difficult to report on because they take place out of the public eye, most often between acquaintances, and there are typically no witnesses other than the victim and the perpetrator. The reporter’s task is especially daunting when there is no accompanying trial to bring about physical evidence or compel testimony; he or she must go about gathering information without the use of subpoenas or search warrants.
The other problem: journalists are expected to remain neutral and maintain a healthy skepticism toward their subjects. In the case of rape allegations, they have the conflicting responsibilities of ensuring they don’t convict the perpetrator in the press or further traumatize the victim. Does the Rolling Stone controversy show that it’s impossible to be a good journalist and be sensitive to rape victims?'
2. Why I Don't Want to Hear Both Sides of Rape Cases, BuzzFeed by Wagatwe Wanjuki
3. The New Theory That Could Explain Crime and Violence in America, published on Medium for Matter, by Scott Johnson

4. 28 Pieces from 2014 that should be required reading for women, from the Huffington Post by Emma Gray and Nina Bahadur
5. The Real Lolita, Hazlitt Magazine by Sarah Weinman
"The story of 11-year-old Sally Horner's abduction changed the course of 20th-century literature. She just never got to tell it herself. "
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